How Often Should I Water a Poinsettia

Poinsettia or otherwise known as the Christmas flower. This is one of the most popular holiday flowers all over the world.

And, during the holidays this is the one flower that everyone wants.

The only problem is that this is a delicate plant and needs special care.

This is why so many people are struggling to get this flower to stay beautiful and to get the flower to bloom again, during the next season.

With this guide, you are going to get everything you need to know about poinsettia, how to care for it, the watering guide, and how often you should water the plant.

Everything to ensure that when the holidays start, your poinsettia will be as beautiful as the day you bought it.

A Delicate Plant That Needs Specific Caring Needs

how often should i water a potted poinsettia

One thing that you need to remember, is that not only is the poinsettia an expensive plant, but it is a delicate flower as well.

And, it needs special care and specific watering instructions to keep the plant in perfect condition. 

This is one of the reasons why people are buying the plant, but the flower doesn’t last until Christmas.

Or, they purchase the plant this year, but next year, they need to buy another plant, because it didn’t bloom again. 

Caring Tips to Ensure Your Plant is Healthy

The moment that you know some of the caring tips to ensure that your plant is staying healthy, you will see that your plant will last a lot longer.

And, it even might be able to bloom again next year and all the years to come. 

Firstly, never leave or replant your plant outside.

It isn’t frosted tolerant and will die with the first frost that it gets. It’s an indoor plant that needs protection against the cold to stay healthy.

Many people believe that poinsettia is poisonous to humans and pets. We don’t know why people are thinking about this, but it isn’t the truth. 

The number one rule for poinsettias is that it needs at least 6 hours of light.

Fluorescent light will also work if you don’t have natural light in your home. You should also not put your plant in front of cold windows, drafts, or aircon.

This is going to have the same effect on the plants as frost. 

Where to Place Your Poinsettia

how often should you water a poinsettia plant

Watering your poinsettia correctly and how often you should water your plant

One of the most important things about a poinsettia is the way you are watering it. You need to make sure that you are watering it correctly, with the right amount. 

With watering, there are three different ways that you can water your poinsettia correctly to ensure that your plant is staying healthy.

The first one is to water it lightly daily.

The water should not be more than 2 to 3 tablespoons full. Otherwise, you are watering it too much.

The second way is to put the plant over a sink and to add water to the plant until the water runs out underneath the pot.

Make sure that all of the soil is getting wet.

This is a thorough watering method and only needs to be done once a week. You just need to make sure that the plant isn’t sitting in water.  

The third and most preferred method is to make use of an ice cube.

This is the best method because it releases water slowly and ensures that the plant isn’t getting too much water. This can be done on a daily basis.

One normal size cube is being used per day. Your plant should be moist, not wet. If the soil is dry, you need to know its time for water.

Getting It to Bloom Again Next Year

how often should i water my indoor poinsettia

This is the tricky part. Getting it to bloom again next year.

The poinsettia needs complete darkness for at least 14 hours per day for 6 to 10 weeks.

This will trigger blooming.

Place a lightproof bag over the plant and place it in the closet so that it will bloom in time for Christmas.

Something that you might not know. 

Other Tips and Information About the Poinsettia

There are a couple of things that you need to know about poinsettia before you are buying the plant.

It needs enough light. It can’ stand cold weather, frost, snow, and drafts in the home.

Something important to know when you place your poinsettia in your home.


Poinsettia. A great plant that is the most popular plant during the holiday season.

From November to December this is the number one plant that everyone, all over the world wants.

But, most people struggle to keep the plant flowering until Christmas.

With this guide you will know everything, including when to water it, to ensure that you are having a healthy and blooming plant.

Year after year.

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Ben Bareja

Ben Bareja, the owner-founder-webmaster of This website was conceptualized primarily to serve as an e-library for reference purposes on the principles and practices in crop science, including basic botany. Read more here

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