Why and How Did Gregor Mendel Select the Garden Pea as Experimental Plant?

Gregor Mendel used the common garden pea in his experiments the results of which became the basis of the science of genetics.

It was not by accident that it became his experimental plant.

Even from the start, he was already aware that the right experimental plants must be used in order to avoid the “risk of questionable results”.

Consequently, he developed criteria in the selection of test plants for his study.

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Classifications of Crop Plants According to Natural Methods of Pollination

Familiarity with crop classifications according to the methods of pollination is important in plant breeding.

This is so because of their effect on the applicability of certain breeding methods and techniques.

For example, pureline selection applies to highly self-pollinating crops.

In crop plants with high percentages of natural cross-pollination, controlled selfing is necessary to avoid contamination by foreign pollen.

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Types of Dominance Relations: 1. Complete Dominance

It is now known that there are various types of dominance.

The most popular in Mendelian genetics is complete dominance, but others also exist.

Each of these determines the phenotypic manifestation of a single gene pair in the absence of epistasis or interallelic gene interaction. 

These dominance relations involve intraallelic rather than “interallelic” gene interaction.

The Latin prefix “intra” means within or inside; “inter” means between or among (Borror 1988).

Intraallelic interaction refers to the interaction of alternative alleles within the same gene pair (located in the same locus in the chromosome) as if other gene pairs are absent.

As to the genotype TtGg, this means that the interaction involves that of T with t and of G with g, but not between either T or t with either G or g, or between separate allelic combinations.

Intraallelic interaction, therefore, occurs in the monohybrid which has a single gene pair, or is presumed in a multi-hybrid in which gene pairs are treated separately with the assumption that interlock gene to gene interaction does not exist even if it does.

This is consistent with Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment which provides that each gene pair acts independently of other gene pairs. 

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Some Commonly Used Terms in Genetics: Review

Familiarization with the common terms in genetics is important in understanding the Mendelian laws or principles, and the role of genetic factors in plant growth and development.

Mendel’s parental “factor” is now referred to by the common term gene.

Gene is probably the most commonly used term in genetics and so deserves more elaboration.

The genes consist of deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, so-called the chemical basis of heredity.

They are carried in the chromosomes, the physical basis of heredity, within the cell.

The chromosomes are those that appear under magnification as coiled, contracted, threadlike bodies in the nucleus at a certain stage of cell division in diploid somatic cells.

In diploid organisms like humans the chromosomes, and the genes, normally occur in two forms: haploid or singly (1N) in the sexual cells or gametes, and diploid or in pair (2N) in the somatic cells.

Somatic cells refer to the body cells, meaning all cells to the exclusion of the sexual cells or gametes.

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About Water Loss in Plants: Transpiration and Guttation

To be more specific, what is transpiration in plants?

The special reference to plants should be proper and is not without basis. It is because this process is not exclusive to plants.

It also occurs in mushrooms.

This paper and its component pages relate to the kingdom Plantae.

The word is the noun ‘transpire‘ from Latin trans, meaning across or through, and spirare or breathe.

It is the natural process by which liquid water within the plant is converted to gas and, in this state of matter, lost via various aerial organs but primarily through the leaves.

Stated simply, it is the evaporation of water from plants.

Stephen Hales (1677-1761) referred to it as perspiration.

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What Did These Early Researchers Contribute to the History of Photosynthesis?

This is a partial account of the history of photosynthesis.

It covers the period from 1648 when Johann Baptista van Helmont’s Ortus Medicinae was published until about 1900 when the issue on the use of the term ‘photosynthesis’ finally subsided.

The telling is done by way of revisiting the works of selected contributors.

History of Photosynthesis
The light that enters this cave reveals spectacular scenery, the same light from the sun without which there is no photosynthesis in plants and the Earth would have been dark and lifeless

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What Is Photosynthesis, Its Various Functions

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis literally means synthesis (or manufacturing) with light.

It is the physiological process occurring in plants by which carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), in the presence of visible light and chlorophyll, are converted to organic compounds which store chemical energy.

It also occurs in other chlorophyll-containing organisms such as algae and cyanobacteria.

In 1993, Howard Gest of Indiana University gave the following definition of photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is a series of processes in which electromagnetic energy is converted to chemical energy used for biosynthesis of organic cell materials; a photosynthetic organism is one in which a major fraction of the energy required for cellular synthesis is supplied by light(Gest 2002).

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What Is Climate? What Is Weather, Microclimate, Macroclimate?

It is in relation to plant growth and development that the question What is climate? Is here reviewed.

According to Dr. Frits Went (Went and The Editors of Life, 1963), the climate is the most important environmental factor affecting plant growth and development.

However, any of the various elements that compose climate do not operate singly.

Variation in one of these climatic factors can have significant effects on the others and modify the various physiological processes in plants including photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration (click here to read Climatic Factors Affecting Plant Growth and Development).

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What Is Light? This Question Is Relevant in Reviewing Photosynthesis and Plant Growth and Development

What is light? In particular, what is light from the sun? What may be your answer when you are suddenly confronted with such a question?

Surely it would not be a surprise if the question elicits a shocking, caught-in-the-act, stammering realization in many persons.

Oftentimes the automatic answer is the funny “Well, light is light!” But this answer should not be a surprise too.

Light has always been there, and we live day after day without finding the necessity to know further what is light or what is the definition of light.

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What Is Totipotency, Its Significance in Plant Development and in Plant Regeneration

Totipotency, also called totipotentiality, refers to the ability of many cells to retain the full genetic potential characteristic of the mature organism from which any of the cells were obtained, and thus enable the cell to regenerate the organism’s tissues and organs under favorable conditions.

The possibility of regenerating an entire plant from a single or few non-zygotic cells was proposed by Gottleib Haberlandt (1854-1945) in 1902.

Haberlandt is now popularly called the Father of Tissue Culture.

This ability to regenerate the missing parts of a mature plant has already been known many times in the distant past.

This is the case when vegetative organs or parts, such as tubers, storage roots, and plant cuttings are used to propagate plants.

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